
- "Hi, how are you?" 嗨,你好嗎?
- "Hello there!" 你好!
- "Good evening!" 晚上好!
- "Could I see the drink menu, please?" 可以給我看看點酒菜單嗎?
- "Do you have a drinks list?" 有提供酒水清單嗎?
- "What kind of beverages do you offer?" 你們提供哪些種類的飲料?
- "I'll have a [drink name], please. 我要一杯[酒名],麻煩你
- "Could I get a [drink name], please?" 可以給我一杯[酒名]嗎?麻煩你
- "May I order a [drink name], please?" 我可以點一杯[酒名]嗎?麻煩你
- "I'd like to try a [drink name], please." 我想嚐一杯[酒名],麻煩你
- "Could I have it with/without ice?" 可以加/不加冰嗎?
- "I prefer it with a twist of lemon, please." 我希望加一點檸檬皮。
- "Make it a double, please." 請調一杯雙份,謝謝。
- "Can you go easy on the sugar, please?" 甜度輕一點,謝謝。
- "What's your special cocktail?" 你們有甚麼特別的雞尾酒嗎?
- "Which drink is the most popular here?" 這裡最受歡迎的飲品是哪一款?
- "Any recommendations for something fruity?" 有什麼水果風味的推薦嗎?
- "Just to confirm, I ordered a [drink name]." 確認一下,我點了一杯[酒名]。
- "That's a [drink name], right?" 這是[酒名],對吧?
- "Could I get the check, please?" 請給我帳單,謝謝。
- "Can I have the bill, please?" 可以給我帳單嗎?
- "How much is it?" 多少錢?
- "Cheers!" 乾杯!
- "Here's to a great night!" 為美好的夜晚乾杯!
- "To good times!" 祝美好的時光!
- "Coming right up!" 馬上就來!
- "Sure, one [drink name] for you." 沒問題,為你調一杯[酒名]。
- "Got it! One [drink name] on the way." 明白![酒名]馬上就來。
- "Enjoy your [drink name]!" 請享用你的[酒名]!
- Neat: 點酒時如果要求"neat",表示你希望純淨飲用,不加冰塊或調和。例如:
- "I'll have a bourbon, neat, please." 我要一杯波本威士忌,不要加冰塊,謝謝。
- "Could you serve the scotch neat, without ice?" 可以給我弄杯純飲蘇格蘭威士忌嗎?
- On the Rocks:如果你希望加冰,你可以點"on the rocks"。例如:
- "I'll have a gin and tonic on the rocks, please." 我要一杯琴通寧加冰,謝謝。
- "A margarita on the rocks, please." 一杯瑪格麗特加冰,謝謝。
- Straight Up:點酒時如果要求"straight up",表示凍飲但不加冰塊。例如:
- "I'd like a vodka martini, straight up." 請調一杯伏特加馬丁尼,凍飲。
- "A gin gimlet, please, but make it straight up." 一杯琴蕾,凍飲但不要加冰塊。
- Mixer: "Mixer" 指的是用於輔助和增添烈酒風味的無酒精飲料或調味液。例如:
- "I'll have a rum and coke, please. Coke is the mixer." 請給我一杯蘭姆加可樂。可樂是調和材料。
- "A gin and tonic, with tonic as the mixer, please." 請調一杯加了通寧的琴酒,謝謝。
- Twist: 如果你點酒時要求加"twist",表示你希望在酒中加入一小片柑橘皮(通常是檸檬或青檸),作為裝飾。
- "A vodka martini with a twist of lemon, please." 請調一杯加檸檬皮的伏特加馬丁尼,謝謝。
- "Could you put a twist of lime in my gin and tonic?"請在我的琴通寧中加入一小片青檸皮,謝謝。
- Dry: 如果你要求"dry"乾,表示你希望飲品中的甜或苦艾酒成分較少。例如:
- "I'll have a dry martini, please. Just a hint of vermouth." 請調一杯乾馬丁尼,只加一點苦艾酒即可,謝謝。
- "Make my gin martini extra dry, please." 請將我的馬丁尼額外弄乾一點,謝謝。
- Chaser: "Chaser"是一種用來搭配高度數酒品的飲品。例如:
- "I'll take a shot of tequila with a beer chaser." 我要一杯以啤酒作搭配的龍舌蘭。
- "A whiskey shot with a water chaser, please." 一杯威士忌,附一杯水作為"chaser",謝謝。
記住多加練習!所以不要害羞,前往你最喜愛的酒吧,學以致用這些英語短語和飲品術語, 令自己用英文點酒的時候變得游刃有餘! 在貝立兹,我們希望讓你自信地在任何情況下與人用英文交流。為你的語言學習之旅和掌握酒吧英文術語乾杯! Cheers!