如何用英文跟外籍同事交際| 職場英文

如何用英文跟外籍同事交際| 職場英文

你的工作環境有外國同事嗎? 很多香港打工仔都不太擅長用英文溝通,當遇上外國人時,很多打工仔都只會一句起兩句止,甚至瑟縮一角,不敢出多一句聲!每次跟外籍同事相處時,都不知道聊些什麼好,感到尷尷尬尬!不想再口疾疾? 以下18個英文短句幫助你自信用英文應對在職場上的社交場合!

  1. Small Talk的藝術


  • "How's the weather in [their location] today?"

  • "Have you traveled anywhere interesting recently?"
  • "What do you enjoy doing in your free time?"
  • "How's your day going so far?"
  • "Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?"
  1. 自信應對商務會議


  • "I'd like to build on what [colleague's name] mentioned earlier…"
  • "I'm not entirely clear on what you mean. Could you provide more details?"
  • "I agree with [colleague's name] on this matter."
  • "Could you expand on that point a bit more?"
  1. 公司活動中建立人際網絡


  • "Hi, I'm [your name]. It's great to meet you!"
  • "What brings you to this event?"
  • "Let's exchange contact information and stay in touch."
  •  "What line of work are you in?"
  • "I've heard great things about your company. Can you tell me more about it?”
  1. 禮貌地處理跨文化情境


  • "Could you please explain the cultural significance of this tradition?"
  • "I appreciate your patience as I adapt to this new environment."
  • "Let's find a solution that respects everyone's cultural values."
  • "Can you recommend any local customs I should be aware of?" 


