- 個性化關注:在 1-1 面對面課堂中,學習者會得到經驗豐富的日語教師的個性化關注和量身定制的指導。教師可以分析學習者的長處、短處和學習方式,並設計滿足他們特定需求和目標的定制學習計劃。
- 沉浸式學習方法:Berlitz 的沉浸式教學方法幫助學習者建立說日語的信心和熟練程度。這些課程側重於口語溝通技巧,並為學習者提供充足的機會,讓他們在支持和互動的學習環境中練習與教師的對話技巧。
- 文化沉浸:面授課程還為學習者提供了沉浸在日本語言和文化中的機會。這可以幫助學習者更深入地了解這門語言及其在現實生活中的用法,進一步增強他們說日語的信心和流利度。
- 靈活學習:Berlitz 的 1-1 面對面課程為學習者提供了按照自己的節奏和時間表進行學習的靈活性。學習者可以從一系列課程安排和持續時間中進行選擇,以適應他們忙碌的生活方式。


Cultural navigator - Build a workforce without borders
With ongoing, rapid globalization, organizations now have the ability to
attract talent from across the world. But with these new opportunities
come new challenges.
The more diverse your workplace is, the greater the need for contextual and cultural understanding between colleagues, partners and clients. At Berlitz, our cross-cultural training solutions provide powerful, customized tools to maximize performance across cultures and reduce risk for your business.
Cultural Awareness Training
One of the most important elements of a multicultural workforce is the ability to leverage cultural differences for the good of the organization and its employees. Cultural awareness training is the best way to create an inviting work environment that allows every employee to feel comfortable, confident and empowered to connect with others from different backgrounds.
Cultural awareness training centers around the concept that cultural gaps are behind many of the workplace conflicts, gaffes and missed opportunities that stunt business growth. Providing employees the tools they need to bridge cultural gaps and adapt to different situations can improve relationships, increase communication and reduce frustration in cross-cultural environments.
Cultural Diversity Training
Similar to cultural awareness training, cultural diversity training focuses on inclusion. It is essential to understand differences across cultures, and it is just as important to make every workplace inclusive for people from these different cultures.
Berlitz’s cultural diversity training is designed to provide supervisors and managers with the skills necessary to create a work environment that can accommodate staff from various backgrounds. These skills allow your business to reach its full potential by embracing the unique strengths of your diverse workforce.
Cross Cultural Communication Training
Businesses operate at maximum capacity when leadership and employees have honest, open and respectful communication. For multicultural organizations, keeping these communication channels open ensures operations run efficiently.
Cross-cultural communication training allows your business to streamline processes to avoid miscommunication, create more open channels and help employees feel empowered in multicultural situations.
Cultural Sensitivity Training
Multicultural businesses have tremendous potential to leverage their diversity for wide-reaching success. Cultural sensitivity training ensures an organization’s leadership and employees feel comfortable and empowered in the workplace, increasing engagement and productivity.
Berlitz’s cultural sensitivity training isolates cultural gaps present in the workplace and bridges them through combined learning, including assessment, identification and training, which leads to success both internally and with clients.
Cultural Consulting & Training Services with Berlitz
If you are interested in cultural solutions for your organization, contact Berlitz. Our cultural training programs are custom designed and provide solutions for your specific business needs, including:
- Online instruction
- Face-to-face training
- Cultural consulting
- Cultural assessments
Let us help your organization leverage culture for success.