20 Must-Know Japanese Phrases for Your Trip to Japan!

こんにちは! Japan has always been a hot favorite among us Hongkongers when it comes to travelling! And guess what? According to the Japan Tourism Agency, in the first half of 2023, over 910,000 fellow Hongkongers flocked to Japan, landing us in the fourth place on the list of international visitors. The top three in the visitor rankings were South Korea (3.12 million), followed by Taiwan (1.77 million) and the United States (970,000). Yep, it's safe to say we've got a thing for Japan! Since we're so obsessed with this incredible destination, why not level up our trip by picking up a few essential Japanese phrases? So, here's your crash course in must-know Japanese phrases for a fantastic journey!
1. おはようございます [ohayōgozaimasu]
中文: (早上時說的)你好
英文: Hello (use it in the morning)
2. こんにちは [Konnichiwa]
English: Hello (use it in the afternoon)
3. こんばんは [Konbanwa]
中文: (晚上時說的)你好
English: Hello (use it in the evening)
4. ありがとうございます [arigatōgozaimasu]
中文: 謝謝
English: Thank you
5. ごめんなさい [gomennasai]
中文: 對不起
English: Sorry
6. すみません [sumimasen]
中文: 不好意思
English: Excuse me
7. トイレはどこですか?[toire wa dokodesu ka?]
中文: 請問洗手間在哪裡?
English: Where is the restroom?
8. 朝食付きですか?[chōshokutsukidesu ka?]
中文: 請問有附早餐嗎?
English: Is breakfast included?
9. チェックイン/チェックアウトお願いします。[chekkuin / chekku auto onegai shimasu]
中文: 我要入住/退房。
English: Check in/ check out please
10. 荷物は預けられますか?[nimotsu wa azukeraremasu ka?]
中文: 請問可以寄放行李嗎?
English: Can I store my luggage?
11. 店内で/持ち帰り[tennai de/ mochikaeri]
中文: 我要內用/外帶。
English: Dine in/ take away
12. 二人です。[ni nindesu]
中文: 我們兩位。
English: Two people
13. 注文お願いします。[chūmon onegai shimasu]
中文: 我們要點餐。
English: We would like to order
14. オススメは何ですか?[osusume wa nanidesu ka?]
中文: 請問你推薦什麼呢?
English: What do you recommend?
15. これをお願いします。[kore o onegai shimasu]
中文: 請給我這份餐點。(手指著菜單中的餐點)
English: I'll have this (point at the food on the menu)
16. お会計お願いします。[o kaikei onegai shimasu]
中文: 我要結帳。
English: Check, please
17. これはいくらですか?[kore wa ikuradesu ka]
中文: 請問這個多少錢?
English: How much is it?
18. これお願いします[kore onegai shimasu]
中文: 我要買這個
English: I would like to buy this
19. 他の色はありますか?[ta no iro wa arimasu ka?]
中文: 請問有別的顏色嗎?
English: Do you have any other colors?
20. 免税できますか?[menzei dekimasu ka?]
中文: 請問可以退稅嗎?
English: Can I get tax exemption?
Sometimes you might come across quite a few Chinese characters in Japan, but be cautious; not all of them carry the same meanings as in Chinese. Here are some common Chinese characters to watch out for.
日語漢字 |
中文 |
English |
徳用 |
常見於商品包裝袋上,大意是價廉物美 |
Good value (for money) |
完売 |
賣完的意思 |
Sold out |
手数料 |
手續費 |
Commission/handling charge |
割引 |
折扣的意思,文法上是按英語邏輯。例如5割引即 = 50% off = 中文的5折 |
Discount |
目玉商品 |
最注目商品 |
Hot item |
受付 |
收銀處 |
Cashier |
見本 |
樣本 |
Sample |
注文 |
點餐、點菜 |
Order |
熱湯 |
熱水 |
Hot water |
人参 |
紅蘿蔔 |
Carrots |
鳥 |
泛指雞與鳥類 |
Chicken and birds |
大根 |
白蘿蔔 |
White radish |
春雨 |
粉絲 |
Mung bean thread |
If you're eager to learn more, we highly recommend taking online or in-person lessons with our Japanese tutors. Our native Japanese instructors will tailor classes to your specific needs and interests, making learning Japanese a breeze through immersive conversational teaching methods!
Feel free to get in touch with our program consultants to learn more.